The Importance of Brand Tracking During COVID-19
COVID-19 is a transformational event which has created a seismic shift in behavior. Much of this change is likely temporary and pre-pandemic behaviors will return. Yet a subset of current behavioral and perceptual changes will stick and affect several category and brand landscapes. There will be winners and losers.
The historical “M.O.” of brand tracking research is consistency in findings on a wave-to-wave basis with changes in brand perceptions and behavior observed over long periods of time. This is not the case in many consumer and professional categories where COVID-19 has disrupted business.
The pandemic has forced a re-examination of our most well-formed habits. Decision factors once secondary to some audiences (e.g., safety, price) will be more important in a health-focused, recessionary economy. Brands which deliver in these areas will benefit.
Russell Research believes now is a critical time to start or resume tracking for many brands. And it’s not business as usual. A standard tracking questionnaire will need adjustments to be optimal in the current environment.
We wanted to share our learning from tracking research done with our client base since the start of the pandemic. We’ve created a tip sheet which outlines 8 key areas to address when conducting brand tracking research – whether now or in the near future.
These tips are wide ranging and will help ensure success with tracking research during COVID-19. This includes:
- Screening Requirements
- Contextualizing Behavior
- Measuring the Impact of Brand Actions During COVID-19
Please click the link below to download the tip sheet. We hope you find it useful.
Download our tip sheet – “The Importance of Brand Tracking During COVID-19 | 8 Tips For Success”